Rainbow Frozen Yogurt Bark

3 hours and 30 minutes

600 g FAGE Total yoghurt 0%, 2%, or 5%

350 g golden syrup or agave nectar, divided

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Pinch of salt

150 g strawberries, coarsely chopped

150 g blueberries

150 g cherries, pitted and coarsely chopped

150 g peaches, coarsely chopped

  1. Line a quarter baking sheet with wax paper and set aside.
  2. Blend 150 g FAGE Total yoghurt and ½ chopped cherries. Next, in a small bowl, combine blended yoghurt, 1 tablespoon of golden syrup, ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract, and salt. Pour onto one side of the baking sheet and top with another ½ chopped cherries.
  3. Repeat with Peach, Blueberry and Strawberry with respective fruit and freeze for at least 3 hours, or until completely frozen.
  4. Break apart and serve immediately.